OUR Estate Sale Guidelines
An estate sale’s main objective is the orderly liquidation of personal property in a relatively short period of time for the highest proceeds possible. The concept is pretty straightforward, yet the process can be laden with significant emotional trauma, difficult logistical challenges and crucial deadlines. We can alleviate the stress that comes with these situations.

Michigan Liquidators will provide the following:
- A free, professional and personal consultation. If we determine that an estate sale is not in your best interest, we will provide you with guidance by recommending other alternatives.
- A Estate Sale Agreement between Michigan Liquidators and our clients; detailing the provisions and expectations for the sale.
- Furnish tables and any additional merchandising items.
- Arrange and display all household items and furniture to best showcase your estate.
- Careful sorting and staging of estate items; try not to discard anything before we arrive.
- Expertly price all items individually to obtain the highest possible fair market value.
- Carpet protection for the entire house, if needed or requested.
- Prepare and submit all advertising information pertaining to the sale.
- Advertise your Estate Sale on our website home page, email blast, www.estatesales.net , www.estatesales.com. facebook, craigslist and in the estates local paper.
- Colorful, distinctive signage for your area displayed in accordance with local regulations.
- Secure all areas of home.
- Obtain any necessary city permits.
- Represent you and your family in a professional and courteous manner.
What Is Our Commission?
Michigan Liquidators charges a standard 30 to 35% commission with common sales. Commission is adjusted appropriately with large estates, sales containing motor vehicles, fine jewelry or sizable coin collections. We pay 100% of all advertising and permits out of our earnings and have no minimum set fee. Michigan Liquidators gets paid solely by it's work performance. Another key note, there are no up front fees. Commission fees are paid at end of sale out of proceeds.

Michigan Liquidators Commitment
- Customers are greeted promptly by our friendly and knowledgeable staff.
- Designated casher running check-out and cash register.
- Security and customer assistance provided throughout the estate property.
- Merchandise and home are straightened constantly to maintain a fresh appearance.
- We accept cash, and credit cards thru our mobile bank credit card terminal for payment.
- If personal check is accepted, it is made out to Michigan Liquidators to ensure you no liability.
- Our staff will oversee all customers when removing their purchases.
- Area signage checked throughout sale hours.
- Parking coordinated with attendant if necessary for your location.
- If selling your home, we will display information provided by you or your agent.
- No areas of sale are left unattended during the course of the sale hours.
- No restrooms are available to general public. NO EXCEPTIONS!

To complete your Michigan Liquidators Sale
- Any pickup arrangements due to weather will be addressed.
- All signage and cones will be removed from the home and roadways after sale hours of each day.
- Sales supplies and tables will be removed within 24 hrs. of completion of sale.
- If you desire, arrangements can be made with a charity of your choice or we can provide one for any remaining estate items. Donations may be tax deductible. At no time does Michigan Liquidators obtain ownership of any Estate Sale items.
- A sales recap will be provided to you.
- Keys will be returned to the client.
- Full payment with close-out packet will be issued 14 days after completion of the sale.